The Best Flowers to Have Around Your House

Flowers can add color, texture, lushness, and, in some cases, pleasing scents around your home. Visiting your local nursery or garden center can be overwhelming, with many delightful flowering plant varieties and choices. Of course, the flowers and plants that will grow well in specific locations around your house largely depend on the amount of sunlight each area receives as well as the type of soil and drainage, so keep that in mind as you choose what to plant. In general, here are some of the best flowers to cultivate in designated spots around your home:





Front Door

For containers around the entrance of your home, pansies, impatiens, zinnias, and begonias are good choices in many areas of the country. Although many coleus varieties don’t have blooms until the end of the growing season, these full plants can provide variegated color and bright texture to containers as well as to beds. Make sure containers have good drainage, rich soil, and adequate moisture for best results.


Window Boxes

Adding charm as well as decorative interest to your home, window boxes are colorful additions with easy care. Good plants for window boxes include geraniums, salvia, and nasturtiums. Be sure to include some trailing greenery, such as ivy or vines, for balance and contrast.



For garden beds around your home, consider dianthus, zinnias, marigolds, pansies, begonias, and impatiens. Place taller plants in the back and be sure to space plants adequately apart to allow for growth while filling in empty spaces.



If your home has a lot of shade, it can be trickier to get vivid blooms. Many varieties of impatiens, begonias, hostas, rhododendron, and lamb’s ear grow well in shade or part shade. Ask your nursery or garden center for advice regarding which shade-tolerant flowering plants are recommended for your growing zone.


Curb Appeal

To make the biggest impact from the street, focus on plants that produce large, vibrant blossoms that last for a long time or that bloom in succession. Some good choices might be hydrangeas, encore azaleas, daylilies, iris, and knock-out roses.


Hanging baskets

Full, brightly colored flowers that spill over the sides work best for hanging baskets. Petunias, lantana, and Sweet Alyssum can make beautiful hanging arrangements. Although not a flower, ferns are also attractive and classic in hanging baskets.


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