When you’re listing a home for a client, there’s a lot of information that you need to gather and examine before the sign goes up. Doing your homework on the front end can save you and your clients time and frustration and help you more confidently and accurately market the property to real estate agents and potential buyers. Here are some of the important things to know when selling a home:
Client expectations
What do your clients think the house is worth? What is their timeline for selling? Are they buying another property and, if so, is there a contingency on the sale of this house? It’s important to ascertain on the front end what your clients expect in the way of a selling price and a transaction closing date. If you don’t think their expectations are attainable, it may be time for some honest conversations.
Market value
Gathering hard data about comparable sales, average square footage costs, and other market factors can help you and your clients set a realistic asking price. Analyzing and presenting data can help take the opinions and guesswork out of price setting.
You’ll need an overview of the home’s history, both for your information and to answer questions from real estate agents and potential buyers. When was the house built? How many owners has the house had? What did the sellers pay for the home? It’s also helpful to know what improvements and updates the sellers made and how the house has been maintained.
Make sure you and your clients have a good feel for the current market climate in your area. Is it a buyers’ or a sellers’ market? How long is the average home on the market before closing?
You’ll need to have a clear understanding of the lot size and property lines to show potential buyers, as well as any easements or other pertinent information about the parcel.
It’s important to know what buyers are looking for and expect in the home’s price range and how the listing compares. For example, is the neighborhood desirable? Does the home have an attractive floor plan and architecture? How does the home compare to other listings in the same price range in the area?
Potential buyers will likely want information about nearby schools, shopping, entertainment, and activities. Make sure you’ve become familiar with the neighborhood and area beforehand so you can answer questions and so you can highlight the area’s advantages.
You’ll likely be asked for an estimated range on utility usage and costs. If possible, have the seller provide the utility history or actual bills for the past 12 months.
Even if the home will likely have an inspection before closing, it’s also a good idea to have a general idea of the condition of the structure as well as of the major home systems and appliances. An HSA home warranty can be a powerful marketing tool when selling a home. In addition to giving buyers more confidence, an HSA home warranty helps sellers protect the essential components of their home systems and appliances during the listing period. Home warranty protection can also give listings an edge by helping them stand out from other properties on the market. To find out more about the value of HSA home warranties for sellers and agents, contact your HSA account representative, or visit onlinehsa.com.